關 共歩 鼠志野 ぐい呑④ Kyoho Seki, Nezumi shino sake cup #4
¥6,600 税込
なら 手数料無料で 月々¥2,200から
關 共歩作陶、鼠志野ぐい吞で、關作品の特徴であるいびつな形状をしています。柚子肌の景色に鼠色と緋色がバランス良く混ざり合い、ところどころにピンクや赤色の発色が認められます。本作品は2024年5月に窯から出されたばかりの新作です。
Nezumi Shino guinomi (sake cup) made by Kyoho Seki. This guinomi features the irregular shape characteristic of Seki's works. The yuzu-like skin texture harmoniously blends gray and scarlet, with occasional pink and red highlights. This work is a new creation, having just been taken out of the kiln in May 2024.
Seki opened his own studio in Tajimi city in 2018 and is expected to become more and more active in the future. He creates highly original works using clay he collects himself and his own handmade potter's wheel, which rotates in a tortuous motion. Because the kiln is fired only two or three times a year, there are not many pieces that make it to the market.
This piece is offered at a reasonable price for everyday use as a guinomi (sake cup), but please understand that due to rising fuel costs, the price has been revised to 6,600 yen starting in 2024.
We will ship overseas.
¥6,600 税込